June 2024 Newsletter


When reporting your planted acres to crop insurance, accuracy is crucial. Ensure that you document the exact number of acres planted for each crop, following the guidelines provided by your insurance provider. Double-checking the information before submission can help avoid discrepancies that may affect your coverage later on. It is advisable to keep detailed records of your planting activities and be prepared to provide supporting documentation if needed. Timely and precise reporting of your planted acres will help ensure a smooth process and accurate coverage under your crop insurance policy.

Information needed for Acreage Reporting

  • Crop, Type and Plant Date

  • Planted Acres and/or Prevented Planting Acre

  • Legal Description and CLUs

  • List Any Person Sharing and Percentages

If you have any questions or would like assistance in filling out your maps, please contact our office before the deadline and we would be happy to help!