2024 Spring Newsletter

Subject: Exciting Updates from CIP Agency!
We now offer an email and website version of our Crop Insurance Update letter. You will still receive a 2024 Spring Update letter in the mail.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to service your MPCI Crop Insurance! If you would like to make any changes or add any crops, make sure to contact us by March 15th, 2024. Listed below are important dates to remember with your crop insurance.

  • March 15, 2024- Final date to make any changes on your plan: Add crop/county, change plan/levels of coverage and options, transfer or cancel, written agreements, creation of new policy or entity.

  • Soybeans Insurable in Perkins County- If you would like to add soybeans to your contract please contact our office before the March 15, 2024 deadline.

  • Enterprise Option available on Millet and Flax- If you are interested in using the Enterprise Option for either Millet or Flax, or both, please contact our office to see if you qualify before the March 15th, 2024 deadline. 

  • Crop Prices for 2024- currently in discovery period (Feb 1-29th) for projected price. RMA will release official pricing in March. Prices below are currently tracking as of 2-20-24

    • Corn $4.70

    • Soybeans $11.66

    • Oil Sunflowers $0.24 Confection Sunflowers $0.29

    • Grain Sorghum $4.71

    • Spring Wheat $6.93

    • Oats $3.42

Soybeans in Dewey County- RMA has added unrated map area classification for soybeans in Dewey County. If you are planning on planting soybeans in 2024 check with us to make sure they are insurable in the intended fields. If they are located in an unrated mapping area, then a written agreement is required for insurability. Written Agreement requests must be filled out and submitted before March 15th, 2024.

Unrated map area classification for soybeans in Dewey County. Soybeans in the green map area will require a written agreement for 2024.

Reminder: July 15th, 2024 is the deadline to have your Acreage Reporting completed. Please bring in your completed FSA maps and 578s before this date to report your acres for 2024.

Thanks again for your business, we do appreciate it and would remind you that if you ever have any questions or concerns, give us a call.